Letter from the Mayor: September 2023

Letter from the Mayor: September 2023

August 24, 2023

The band is playing, cheerleaders are getting the crowd going, and the Nixa Eagles take the field. I absolutely love this time of year, when school starts back up and so do all the events and activities that bring our community together. It doesn’t matter if it’s football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, swim, softball, cheerleading, dance, band, theater, speech and debate, or any of the other activities that Nixa excels in; they all have one thing in common. They bring the community together to cheer on the hard work and dedication of all kids in our amazing city.

Sporting events continue to be one of the best things in our community that I get to attend. I get to meet so many members of our community and see the results of all the hard work that the kids have put into something they are so passionate about. During each of these events, everyone is cheering for the same result. In these moments, our political views don’t matter, our frustration with something that happened at work doesn’t matter, even the weather outside doesn’t matter; the only thing that matters is another Nixa Eagles Win! We set aside our differences to be on the same team.

Serving as the mayor of Nixa, the thing that brings so much joy to my role is being able to see the great people of our city working together, enjoying moments together, and knowing everything it takes to make each and every event successful. It’s amazing the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes, over decades, to develop infrastructure that ensures the lights are on and the water is running for these events with thousands of people. It’s amazing the amount of work the teachers, coaches, and administrators put in to ensure that each event is safe for the students and parents. It’s amazing the amount of hard work and dedication that the students put into whatever activity they are involved in all while continuing to excel in their academics. It is absolutely amazing to see it all come together as a theater performance, a dance routine, a marching band halftime performance, a sporting event, or any of the many activities. This month, I encourage you to take a moment to look around and be amazed at what the people around you worked to achieve. You are all contributing your part to making the community amazing. Thank you!

Really what I wanted to say this month to our amazing community is good luck to all the students, teachers, administrators, parents, and every other member of the community. Here’s to another amazing school year! Let’s Go Eagles!!


Mayor Jarad Giddens