Business Licensing

Everything you need to know about Nixa business licenses.

Thank you for choosing to do business inside Nixa city limits!

Check out our business directory.

Note: Business licenses must be renewed annually. All business licenses expire on December 31st of the year in which they were issued.

About Business Licenses

Is my type of business required to have a business license?

Retail Sales:

If retail sales are conducted, a business license is required. In order to complete your application for a Nixa business license, you will first need a Missouri Department of Retail Sales Tax License and No Tax Due Letter from the Missouri Department of Revenue. A Merchant’s License with Christian County Collector is also required by the county, but you will not need that document to complete a Nixa Business License application.


Any business in the construction industry needs a contractor’s business license. This includes businesses such as new construction, hvac, plumbing, electrical, handymen, etc.

To learn more about contractor’s licenses, scroll to the very bottom of this page and select the “Contractor’s License” button.

Exempt Professions:

By Missouri Law, some professions are exempted from being required to pay a fee for a business license (see list below).

If this applies to your business, the City of Nixa still asks that you submit either an application for New Business License (if you did not have a City of Nixa Business License last year) or, if you already have a Nixa Business License, please submit a Renewal of Business License. When completing a new application or a renewal, exempt businesses should select the “Exempt” option at the top of the form so that you will not be charged the normal application fee.

Professions Exempt from a Business License fee (if they don’t conduct retail sales):

  • Architect
  • Auctioneer
  • Broker
  • Chiropractor
  • CPA
  • Dentist
  • Insurance Agents
  • Land Surveyor
  • Lawyers
  • Optometrist
  • Physician
  • Professional Engineer
  • Real Estate Broker
  • Surgeon
  • Veterinarian

Home-based Business Exemption:

By Missouri Law, home-based businesses are not required to obtain a business license from the city. However, if you do choose to apply for a business license with the city for a home-based business, the normal business license fees would be applied and you should NOT select the “exempt” option at the top of the application form unless your home-based business is for one of the above listed professions which are exempt from fees.


If your business is service based, you will be required to obtain a business license with the city. This includes businesses such as hair salons, nail salons, carpet cleaning, mowing, etc.

Some service-based businesses conduct retail sales. If your business conducts retail sales, see Retail Sales drop down above. This includes sales such as hair products being sold at a hair salon.

Business License Fees:

  • New business license (basic) = $50.00
  • Business license renewal (basic) = $25.00, after January 31st there is an additional $10.00 late fee. If you do not renew by March 31st, a new business license will be required.
  • Infill Permit without changes = $60.00
  • Infill Permit with changes = dependent upon the changes being made to the building.

Liquor License Fees:

A person/business must have a liquor license from the City of Nixa and the State of Missouri in order to sell any alcohol inside city limits. A separate liquor license is required for each category and subcategory of liquor sales in which your business desires to engage. No license is required if manufacture is only for personal use.

  • Original Package Liquor – malt liquor only: $75/year
  • Original Package Liquor – all kinds: $150/year
  • Liquor by the drink – malt liquor/light wine only: $75/year
  • Liquor by the drink – all kinds: $450/year
  • Common eating and drinking areas: $450/year
  • Wine or brandy manufacturer: $300/year
  • Microbrewery license: $300/year

A person/business with any of the above liquor licenses may also apply for an additional Sunday Sales license.

  • Sunday Sales Original Package Intoxicating Liquor: $300/year
  • Sunday Sales Restaurant/Bar: $300/year
  • Common eating and drinking areas: $300/year
  • Liquor by the drink – all kinds: $300/year

Liquor Permit Fees:

The City of Nixa offers three types of liquor permits.

  • Tasting Permit: A person/business licensed to sell intoxicating liquor in the original package at retail may also apply for a tasting permit. $37.50/year
  • Temporary Sale By Drink Permit: This permit is for certain organizations which may wish to sell alcohol on the premises of a special event for no more than 7 days. $37.50/event.
  • Liquor Catering Permit: This permit allows a person/business to cater liquor for up to 72-hours on a per-event basis. $15/day.
New Business License

Below are step-by-step instructions to help expedite your application for a new business license or business license renewal.

Once you have reviewed the instructions, scroll to the bottom of the page to complete the application for new business license.

NOTE: This process only applies to businesses not conducting any type of alcohol or liquor sales.

If your business will sell any type of liquor or alcohol at any time, please see the “New Liquor License” tab to complete a single application for both your business and liquor license. For temporary alcohol sales such as for catering, a single event, or for tastings, see the Liquor Permits tab.

If you have any further questions, please contact City Hall at 417-725-3785.

Business License Application Process: Step-by-Step Instructions


Commercial Location Permits

If the business will be operating inside a commercial location, you will first need to apply for an Infill Permit with the Nixa Planning & Development Department. Your business license will not be issued until you have your Certificate of Occupancy permit from their department. If you have further questions regarding the Infill Permit please call the Planning & Zoning Department at 417-725-5850.

Learn more about infill permits here: Commercial Building Permits


Preparing for Application

Please complete the Business License Application for the business, corporation, partnership, Limited Liability Company, limited liability partnership, professional corporation, sole proprietorship, association of person, etc. The fee for a new business license is $50.00. The business license will be good through December 31st of the application year.


Department of Compliance

The business license application includes information for the Department of Compliance. This will be reviewed by the Planning and Development Department Director to verify your business is in a properly zoned area.


911 Emergency Information

The business license application includes information for the Nixa Police Department to keep on file for emergency situations.


Business License Affidavit

Read, complete, and sign a Business License Affidavit document stating you have read and understand the 2008 State Statute 285.530. You must attach a copy of this affidavit to your application in order for it to be considered complete. For our online application, complete the affidavit and upload a photo or scanned copy.

Business License Affidavit PDF form can be found here.


Required Documents

Retail Sales:

Submit EITHER your Retail Sales License OR a No Tax Due Letter.

Both of these documents can be obtained through the Missouri Department of Revenue. We must have one of them for your application to be considered complete.

Missouri Department of Revenue

PO Box 840, Jefferson City, MO 65105-0840

For Retail Sales License call 573-751-9268

For Tax Due Letter call: 573-751-5860 #5 #1

Business Registration:

If the business is an entity other than a sole proprietorship, then a copy of the business’ organizational filing with the Missouri Secretary of State showing the business’ name will be required.


Complete the Online Business License Application Form

Scroll down on this page to the online application form for new business licenses. Enter your information, including the supporting documentation mentioned in steps 1-4.

If your business type is exempt from paying a business license fee according to state statute (see summary of exempt businesses under the “About” tab above), you should indicate this on the field asking whether your business is exempt or non-exempt.

Whether exempt or non-exempt, you will not be charged the application fee at time of submission.

You must select the “Submit” button before we will be in receipt of your application.


Review Process

Once your completed business license application has been submitted, the review process is about 5-7 business days. Once the review process is completed and approved, you will be emailed your invoice (for non-exempt businesses only) and you will be directed to our NixaPay portal (powered by InvoiceCloud) where you will need to make payment. You may also make payment in person at City Hall.

Your business license will be mailed to you and your business information will be added to our online directory of licensed Nixa businesses.

Note: The review process may take longer than the normal 5-7 business days if you have applied for an infill permit with the Planning & Development Department as we cannot issue the business license until the occupancy permit has been issued by that department.



Renewal applications will be accepted beginning November 1st of each year. The renewal fee is $25.00. If not paid by January 31st, the license will be considered delinquent, and a $10.00 late fee will be assessed. Any license renewed after March 31st will be required to apply for a NEW business license with a fee of $50.00.

To renew your business license, you will need to visit and log into your myNixa account.

New Liquor License

Use the form below to apply for both your business license and liquor license from the City of Nixa. Complete this single form, submit it, and once we have reviewed your application, we may reach out to you directly with questions, or we will email you an invoice.

Once you have received the invoice, you will need to visit NixaPay (powered by InvoiceCloud) to make payment. Your application is not considered complete until we have received payment. Pay at or visit Nixa City Hall during normal business hours (M-F 8:30am-4:30pm). Once we have received your payment, we will mail your business license and liquor license to you.

A person/business must have a liquor license from the City of Nixa and the State of Missouri in order to sell any alcohol inside city limits. A separate liquor license is required for each category and subcategory of liquor sales in which your business desires to engage. No license is required if manufacture is only for personal use.


Please complete this Business License with Liquor Sales Application for the business, corporation, partnership, Limited Liability Company, limited liability partnership, professional corporation, sole proprietorship, association of person, etc. The fee for a new business license with liquor sales is dependent upon what type of liquor/package sales you will be doing.

The business license with Liquor Sales will be good through December 31st of the application year.

You may not have your state liquor license at time of application for your city liquor license, however, we will need a copy of your state liquor license (once you have it) before we will issue your city liquor license. Once you have applied for your city liquor license, we will issue you a letter to provide the state affirming that we have received your city liquor license application.

To obtain your state liquor license, contact the Missouri Department of Alcohol & Tobacco Control, and they will want to see the letter we provide stating that we received your application for a liquor license. Once the state has issued your state liquor license, you must provide a copy of it to us before we will consider your application completed.

Missouri Department of Alcohol & Tobacco Control

505 B E. Walnut Street Springfield, MO 65806


Also, if your business conducts any kind of retail sales you are required to provide one of two documents along with your application, EITHER a copy of your Retail Sales License OR a copy of a No Tax Due Letter. Both of these documents can be obtained through the Missouri Department of Revenue. We must have both for your application to be considered complete.

Missouri Department of Revenue

PO Box 840, Jefferson City, MO 65105-0840

For Retail Sales License call: 573-751-9268

For Tax Due Letter call: 573-751-5860 #5 #1

Liquor Permits

Liquor Permit Fees:

The City of Nixa offers three types of temporary liquor permits.

  • Tasting Permit: A person/business licensed to sell intoxicating liquor in the original package at retail may also apply for a tasting permit. $37.50/year
  • Temporary Sale By Drink Permit: This permit is for certain organizations which may wish to sell alcohol on the premises of a special event for no more than 7 days. $37.50/event.
  • Liquor Catering Permit: This permit allows a person/business to cater liquor for up to 72-hours on a per-event basis. $15/day.


You may not have your state liquor license at time of application for your temporary city liquor permit, however, we will need a copy of your state liquor license (once you have it) before we will issue your temporary city liquor permit. Once you have applied for your temporary city liquor permit, we will issue you a letter to provide the state affirming that we have received your city liquor permit application.

To obtain your state liquor license, contact the Missouri Department of Alcohol & Tobacco Control, and they will want to see the letter we provide stating that we received your application for a liquor license. Once the state has issued your state liquor license, you must provide a copy of it to us before we will consider your application completed.

Missouri Department of Alcohol & Tobacco Control

505 B E. Walnut Street Springfield, MO 65806


Renew Your License

Business licenses must be renewed annually. All business licenses expire on December 31st of the year in which they were issued.

To renew your business and/or liquor license, visit myNixa (powered by BS&A Online).