Resolution #2025-01
Authorizing the City Administrator to Solicit Proposals for the Installation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure for City Water and Electric Meters
Resolution #2025-01
Resolution #2025-02
Authorizing the City Administrator to Solicit Bids for the Construction of a 1,000,000 – Gallon Composite Water Tower
Resolution #2025-02
Resolution #2025-03
Authorizing the City Administrator to Purchase a New Backhoe for Use with the RDE Water System
Resolution #2025-03
Resolution #2025-04
Authorizing the City Administrator to Purchase a New Forestry Bucket Truck for Use by the City’s Electric Department
Resolution #2025-04
Resolution #2025-05
Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute a Contract in an Amount not to Exceed $103,655.00 with Norton Power Systems, LLC, for the Purchase and Installation of Electric Generators at the Tuscany Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Tuscany Hills Lift Station, and the Bentwater Lift Station
Resolution #2025-05
Resolution #2025-06
Authorizing the City Administrator to Solicit Proposals for the Design, Construction, and Installation of a City Welcome Sign
Resolution #2025-06
Resolution #2025-07
Authorizing the city Administrator to Apply for and Accept Grant Funding in the Amount of $250,000.00 for the Purpose of Funding Trail Improvements to the Eoff Century Farm Park
Resolution #2025-07
Resolution #2025-08
Authorizing the City Administrator to Purchase a New Sewer Camera for the Wastewater Department
Resolution #2025-08
Resolution #2025-09
Authorizing the City Administrator to Purchase a New Traffic Marking Line Painter for Use by the Street Department
Resolution #2025-09
Resolution #2025-10
Authorizing the City Administrator to Solicit Bids for the Relocation of Public Water and Public Sewer Infrastructure Located at Highway CC and Main Street
Resolution #2025-10