Scott Godbey presented the preliminary plat. The Riverton Park subdivision is a R-1 single-family residential subdivision. The subject property was annexed into the Nixa City Limits in 2006 and the existing zoning arrangement was established at that time. Also in 2006, a preliminary plat was approved for the residential portion of the property, known as Stinerock Hill. The property is undeveloped. Property owner, Steve Eoff is currently extending public utilities to the site of Riverton Park to satisfy an agreement between him and the new property owners before finalizing the sale of the property. Shaffer & Hines has submitted a preliminary plat, on behalf of the new owners, illustrating the proposed arrangement of the lots and the public infrastructure required to serve them.
Preliminary plats are a means to provide subdivision developers with an initial approval concerning compliance of the planned arrangement with the City’s zoning, subdivision, and other pertinent regulations prior to engaging the more expensive actions of detailed engineering and construction.
Public Hearing
No one was present
Randall Bettis asked if there would just be one lane turning in to the subdivision or will they widen the road. Mr. Godbey stated that they will add a turn lane and widen the road right there. Loren Winter stated that he hasn’t seen a development with just one access point. Mr. Godbey stated that there would be a temporary access point until the commercial area is developed and then a permanent one would be there.
Sarah Bader asked for clarification on the emergency access and the potential problems that it could cause. Mr. Godbey stated that typically on a 1 phase there will be one major entrance and one emergency entrance. Once the commercial portion is developed then there will be a second permanent entrance with curb and gutter installed. The location of the second entrance will be determined at the design stage of the commercial project.
Clayton Hines, PO Box 493, approached the Commission to answer some of the concerns. The temporary must stay in place until the permanent road is built. Robert Wilson asked if there was a phasing plan. Mr. Hines stated that there was a phase plan. 7 total phases but they may be consolidated.
Jarad Giddens stated that North Street would be widened, majority of traffic will be going away from Nixa. Loren Winter stated that as a Commission, they have to focus on what is in front of them at this time. Robert Wilson asked how many lots were going to be developed. Garrett Tyson stated 232. Mr. Wilson asked how many lots go to each lift station. Mr. Hines stated that a little more than half would go to one and the rest would go to the other. Loren Winter asked how often we reviewed how much capacity a lift station could handle. Doug Colvin stated that the capacity is in the design and there is plenty of area to move in and is in good shape. Travis Cossey stated that Clayton Hines designed the lift station to accommodate about 1500 acres. Mr. Cossey stated that there was substantial availability for the Northwest Regional lift station to accommodate this development.
Without further discussion, Randall Bettis made a motion to approve with a second by Matt Lander. 5 ayes, 1 nay. Robert Wilson, Matt Lander, Randall Bettis, Loren Winter, Sarah Bader aye. Joe Gallant Nay. Motion passed.