Invite a City Official to Your Event

If you have a public meeting scheduled for a Home Owners Association, social club, non-profit group or other audience and would like for either an elected city official or city staff member to attend and/or provide a presentation, please complete this form.

Not sure which elected official represents your area of town? Check out the council district map and learn more about the current elected officials.

Invite a city official to your event

If you have a public meeting scheduled for a Home Owners Association, social club, non-profit group or other audience and would like for either an elected city official or city staff member to attend and/or provide a presentation, please complete this form.

Your Name

Are you the best person to contact regarding RSVP to the event, or should we contact someone else regarding planning of the city official's attendance? (contact me or contact other person)

Organization Contact Person Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Is this an all-day event?
Address of meeting/event location
What type of city official would you prefer attend?
If you have a particular city official in mind, enter their name below
If yes, and that particular official is not available at the time of your meeting/event, would you like for another city official to attend who can speak on the relevant topics?
For Example: is the system capable of displaying a video or a PowerPoint presentation to the audience, will microphones be provided?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If Yes, give us the date. If no, leave blank.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.