
Open Bids


Online Bidding

Effective January 1, 2022, all potential vendors must register using our online bidding system in order to receive notifications regarding bid opportunities for municipal government contracts. This system eliminates traditional paper bids and replaces them with an entirely electronic process. The City of Nixa highly encourages electronic submissions via this online bidding system powered by IonWave Technologies, as it expedites the process and helps to alleviate errors.

Paper bids will still be accepted. If submitting a paper bid, all bid content must be a in a sealed envelope. Bids must be delivered by the stated close date and time. No Emailed Or Faxed bids will be accepted. Any bids submitted on paper will be uploaded by city staff to the IonWave online bidding system.

Don’t have a login yet for Nixa e-Bids? Click the “Register” button to register as a supplier and set up your free account. Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to bid for contracts.


Vendor Information

City Surplus

City Surplus for Sale

Want to buy used and surplus items from the City of Nixa?

We post our public surplus for sale at the following sites:

Purchasing Policy

The purchasing department is responsible for the collecting of information required for the writing of bid documents and specifications for the purchase of items as provided in the policy or as established by the City Administrator or his designee, and shall maintain such documents on file for a maximum length of time as required by state statutes. The Purchasing Department may rely on expertise and assistance from requisitioning departments in writing specifications of a technical nature.

To view the City of Nixa’s purchasing policy, click the button below.