Vendor Portal

The City of Nixa has partnered with PaymentWorks to streamline how we onboard and manage vendors/suppliers. PaymentWorks is a portal vendors use to register their business and provide the information the city needs to set up vendors in the system. All new vendors must register through this secure site. With the implementation of PaymentWorks, our vendors/suppliers can:

To become a City of Nixa vendor/supplier, the city will initiate a PaymentWorks invitation to begin the onboarding process. A new vendor/supplier form is available by invitation only. Please check your email inbox for the invitation. You must click the invitation link in the email, which directs you to create an account in PaymentWorks. 

If you are an established supplier with the City of Nixa and have a PaymentWorks account with us, please login to access the PaymentWorks system.

If you have questions regarding billing, invoices, or payments, please email