Stormwater Management Plan

- Summary
- Chapter 1: Introduction and Plan Coordination
- Chapter 2: Public Education and Outreach
- Chapter 3: Public Involvement and Participation
- Chapter 4: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- Chapter 5: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
- Chapter 6: Post Construction
- Chapter 7: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping
- Chapter 8: Monitoring, Record Keeping, and Reporting
The City of Nixa’s Stormwater Management Plan is posted here for public review and reference. This plan defines and sets goals for Nixa’s approach to management of stormwater, including details for how we comply with regulations and standards.
Select any of the tabs to navigate through the document’s chapters and to find documents referenced by each chapter.
Executive Summary:
The following document is an outline for the City of Nixa, Missouri to use it as it enters the 2021-2026 permit term of the Phase II MS4s Program. The City intends to comply with the regulations as outlined by the State of Missouri General Permit No. MO-R040067 to the maximum extent practicable. This document is divided into a total of nine chapters. The first chapter begins with an outline of the plan coordination and an overview of the program. As the chapters progress, the City’s approach to meeting the six minimum control measures (MCM) is clearly outlined with the final chapter devoted to setting the framework for record keeping.
The City understands the importance of clean streams and rivers. One of the most important steps in ensuring clean streams and rivers is to improve the quality of stormwater runoff. As the City develops this program over the next permit term, it is the hope that measurable positive impacts will be seen by the City and its citizens.
This chapter addresses the following:
- General Information
- Definitions
- Executive Summary
- Phase II Overview
- Plan Coordination
- City of Nixa MDNR General Operating Permit
- Explanation of Plan Coverage
- Location Maps
- Endangered Species/Critical Habitats
- Major Watersheds

This chapter addresses the following:
- Permit Requirements
- Benefits of Public Education and Outreach
- General Pollution Prevention Compliance Activities
- Public SWMP Educational Workshop
- Program BMPs
This chapter addresses the following:
- MS4 Permit Requirements
- Public Involvement in Stormwater Management Plan Development
- Public Notice and Public Hearing for Review of Stormwater Documents
- Citizen Stormwater Advisory Committee
- “Adopt A Street” Program
- Stream Team Clean-ups
This chapter addresses the following:
- Identification and Mapping of Stormwater System
- Illicit Discharge Prohibition Enforcement
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- Identifying Priority Areas
- Stormwater System and Outfall Map
- Pressure Washing and Impervious Surface Cleaning
- IDDE Onsite Annual Inspections of: Commercial and Industrial Properties, City Owned Public Facilities and Stormwater Outfalls
- Stormwater Sample Monitoring
This chapter addresses the following:
- Benefits of a Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Program
- Land Disturbance, Illicit Discharge and Erosion Control, Stormwater Ordinance
- Pre-Development Review Team
- Pre-Construction Meetings
- Development and Commercial Plan Review Process
- Site Inspections and Enforcement
- Construction Operator Weekly BMP Site Inspections

This chapter addresses the following:
- Benefits of a Post-Construction Stormwater Program
- Program Intent
- Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP)
- Stormwater Advisory Committee
- Post-Construction Stormwater Management Ordinance
- Post-Construction Stormwater Management Plan
- Home Owners Association (HOA) Involvement
This chapter addresses the following:
- Benefits of a Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program
- City Operation and Maintenance
- Municipal Operation and Maintenance (O & M) Plan
- City of Nixa Employee Stormwater Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Plan Committee
- Municipal Operation Facilities Inspections
This chapter addresses the following:
- Monitoring Permit Requirements
- Record-keeping Permit Requirements
- Annual Reporting